Wednesday 12 October 2016

Shared Memories

I have a theory about why family bonds are stronger than's the shared memories. Literally 1000s upon 1000s of memories are made and can be drawn upon at any time.

When we came to the Philippines we knew we'd be ok, because we were coming to family. Spiritual family. Church family. People with a shared history; shared memories. We've been to the same conferences. Read the some of the same books. Attended the same classes. Supported the same missions. Heard similar sermons. We know a lot of the same people. People with stories that move us beyond belief.

So when sickness struck and my church family started rocking up out of nowhere and laying on the love, I realised these were the memories that would stick. In 5 years time when we look back on this experience, it won't be the dusty rides back from the supermarket with 4 kids and shopping hanging off a trike, or the continuous lugging of gallon bottles from the water station, the rain that suddenly appears and floods the walkways, the scary power-points or even the dripping of sweat 10 minutes after you've just showered, that we will remember. No, we will remember that people I have only just met cared enough to come with groceries, meals, finances, transport, medication, babysitting offers and friendship. All because they are family. And those memories we've shared will last a lifetime.

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