Saturday 13 February 2016


One of the craziest experiences I had while living on the ship, was when we hit an incredible storm crossing the South China Sea. The voyage was 11 days long and I’d spent most of it feeling sea sick. By the time the storm hit I had joined a group that was literally lying on the floor, taking refuge, in the very middle of the ship. Wave after wave slammed against the starboard side. Earlier I had helped our laundry team secure all the washing buckets while water crashed over us, and now as I lay on the floor, I was thankful we weren’t still there on that deck. The waves were now higher than before, lapping at the windows of the main lounge area.

Suddenly, the ship keeled and I kid you not, we all slid from one side of the room to the other! I actually saw someone somersault past me! The captain’s voice came over the loud-speaker, assuring us all that even though the sensation inside the ship was ridiculously tumultuous, the actual ship was only tilting slightly and there was nothing to fear. As the storm passed and the ship’s crew sprang into recovery mode, there was a vast amount of cleanup to be done. The photo above is my cabin. Everything that wasn’t secured ended up on the floor. I hadn’t been ready for this at all. Thankfully, the more experienced crew members had, and most of the expensive equipment on board had been secured and saved.

When I think about the concept of putting Jesus as Lord of my life, putting a concerted effort into living as He would have lived, and taking every opportunity to spend time listening for His direction, it’s not at all about trying to meet a standard or gain approval from Him. For me, it’s all about wisdom. I was so thankful the captain of our ship was in control on that voyage. As storms have hit my life, I’ve made it through knowing that I’m securely anchored to the one who knows me intimately and loves me completely.

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? As for those who come to me and hear my words and put them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on a rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.” Luke 6:46-48 TNIV

My Warrior Music Video

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