Friday 20 November 2015

To Toughen or Trust?

Trust is a difficult thing to build. It takes time. A long time. Often we assume that people should automatically trust us and yet we aren’t as sure of their credibility.

I guess the longer we live, the more opportunities there are for people to break that trust. To let us down. Sometimes badly. I tend to be a ‘cup half full’ kind of person and look for the best and of course that has meant I’ve been burnt. But I reached a point that I needed not to lower my expectation of people but to lift my expectation of God.

See, if you expect the worst of people you will inevitably draw it out. You wont give them room to show you how capable they are and they wont rise to the occasion. On the other hand we haven’t even begun to stretch God’s capability. He constantly shines through in places where others fall short.

So when it's time to make that choice with the people around us - to decide if we can step out and lean on them, to open up and let them in, let's not forget the God-factor. For any relationship that's honouring to Him will be an opportunity for Him to prove His honour. They may fail, but He will not. And if they do, He will be there to carry you through.

I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. Psalms 138:2 NLT

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